
Different shades of lavender

The use of lavender can be traced back over 2500 years, from cooking, home decorations, medicinal purposes to aromatherapy. Today, lavender is widely popular among homeowners and professionals.   Health benefits include: Promoting hair health — According to a study published in Archives of Dermatology, lavender oil, along with a mixture of other essential oils, may

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Incremental Change: Lifestyle Shifts Aimed at Improving Indoor, Outdoor Environment

The news about climate change is depressing. It sometimes seems to be such an insurmountable situation that it’s hard to believe a single household could make any significant difference. And, though many Americans have begun living more eco-friendly lives, many still don’t believe the problem is real enough to warrant attention. Others have simply given

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The Dangers of Plastic

“Plastic products are made of a number of different chemicals, some of which are known to act as endocrine disruptors. These chemicals are similar in structure to natural sex hormones and interfere with the normal functioning of those hormones. They may be found in fast foods, processed and boxed foods and even those marketed as

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The Benefits of using Yarrow

“Yarrow is an aromatic perennial plant from the aster or Asteraceae (Compositae) family, a close relative or chamomile and chrysanthemums.” The medicinal benefits of yarrow herb have been known for a long time. Native American tribes like the Cherokee, Iroquois, Gosiute and Mohegan used it to as a digestive aid, while the Micmac of New

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Traces of Glyphosate found in your breakfast

“The Environmental Working Group (EWG) commissioned independent laboratory tests to determine how much glyphosate is lurking in the U.S. food supply. While the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has been testing foods for glyphosate, and tests reportedly revealed “a fair amount” of residues, their findings have not yet been made public. EWG’s testing revealed, however,

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Lemongrass – A Powerhouse Plant

“Lemongrass has a history of medicinal use among several cultures worldwide for a variety of conditions, including digestive disorders, fevers, menstrual disorders, joint pain, inflammation and nervous conditions. It is also a natural mosquito repellant which can be simply rubbed on the skin.”   Other benefits include: Prevent infection — Terpenes, ketones, aldehyde and esters are compounds

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